Environmentally Aware - Green Home Tips

  1. Turn off the lights before you leave the room (like your mother told you, and because you care about your Mother)

2. When replacing a water heater, go tankless (tankless water heaters use 45-60% less energy than standard ones)

3. Unplug laptops, cell phones, iPads and other devices when not in use (75% of all electricity consumed by these devices is standby power)

4. Turn the water off while you brush your teeth or shave (the average faucet uses 3 gallons of water per minute)

5. Fix that leaky faucet (a faucet that leaks 60 drops per minute wastes 192 gallons of water per month)

6. Shorten your shower (every minute is 2.5 gallons more water, so 5 minutes shorter = 375 gallons a month saved)

7. Buy bamboo sheets (this fast-growing plant is cultivated without pesticides and requires less water than conventionally-grown cotton)

8. Bamboo is also a great source of flooring, toilet paper and reusable knives, forks and spoons <—(carry a set in your purse and you’ll never need plastic forks again)

9. Run only full loads of laundry (save 3400 gallons per year) and only wash in cold (save 500 lbs of CO₂ per year)

10. Clean the lint screen before every use of the dryer (and in the summer breeze, use a clothesline)

11. Stop using anti-bacterial soaps (triclosan is threatening aquatic life, and 27 studies conducted between 1980 and 2006 show that regular soap is just as effective)

Awareness is the beginning. Then comes behavior.

Then others notice your behavior and are inspired.

Then we get to cherish and enjoy and preserve our beautiful Earth.

Awareness is the beginning.